Russian Paranoia Update: Stalin Saved the Earth from Alien Invasion


This video takes the cake for sheer goofiness and bizarreness as a cultural marker of Russia’s decline from superpowerdom to paranoia and dysfunction. Sure American videogames have used the USSR in similarly ridiculous ways (especially the uber-campy Red Alert series), but Russia is a far more controlled society than the US. It seems reasonable to assume that video games, as media, are informally censored along with the serious press. So why not make a video game lionizing Stalin!

Just make sure you watch the trailer. Watching Stalin dance to vanilla techno will be the surreal moment of your day. Enjoy!

2 thoughts on “Russian Paranoia Update: Stalin Saved the Earth from Alien Invasion

  1. Pingback: Russian Imperial Paranoia Update – Putin Thinks He’s Rambo! « Asian Security Blog

  2. Pingback: It’s Time to De-Russianize the BRICS | Robert Kelly — Asian Security Blog

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